Businesses that are forfeited, inactive, cancelled, merged, or dissolved, are not eligible to associate with a Trade Name Renewal. If forfeited, this entity must be reinstated before it can be associated with a Trade Name Renewal.
The Resident Agent is the Maryland resident age 18 or older, the Maryland corporation, or the Maryland LLC that has been chosen by your business to receive service of process (notice of official court action), and who has consented to being the entity’s resident agent. By law, you cannot complete this filing without first obtaining the agent’s consent (Md Code, Corporations & Associations §1-208(a)). The Resident Agent may be associated with the entity, or may be an unassociated third party.
Please contact for additional assistance. The Department cannot recommend any company to act as your resident agent.
Trade Name Not Eligible for Renewal
This Trade Name may not be renewed at this time.
Trade Name Not In Active Status
Trade Names must be in Active Status to be eligible for renewal. Email if you have questions about a Trade Name Renewal.