MDE e-Permits

Logged in as: [Name]

User Account

Account Information

Provide the following information.

(if applicable)

Account Credentials

Create a username for your account. Your username must be alpha-numeric (no special characters), and must be unique. You will be notified if you specify a username currently in use.

Create a password for your account. Your password must contain at least twelve characters, and contain three of the following: uppercase, lowercase, number or special character.

Security Questions

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System accepts electronic signatures (e-signatures) for information submitted to MDE. To ensure greater security, please select three questions from the lists below, and provide answers for each. You will be asked to provide the answers to any of these questions along with your e-signature, when submitting information to MDE.

Select a question from the list, and provide your answer in the field beneath.